Episode #124

Mahabanoo Mody Kotwal

Speaking To The Feisty Mahabano Mody Kotwal On Vagina Monologues And Why Is Still Remains Relevant In The World Of Art

About this Podcast:

This week  on The Mohua Show we have Mahabanoo Mody Kotwal.

Mahabanoo the award-winning theatre producer and director behind the iconic play “The Vagina Monologues.” Mahabanoo shares her journey from microbiology to the theatre and the catalysts that led her to co-found The Make-A-Difference Foundation.

She speaks about her focus on gender in her work and what inspired her to bring “The Vagina Monologues” to India 19 years ago.

Mahabanoo also shares interesting reactions she received from the play and reflects on how society has evolved in terms of openness towards sex drama. Tune in for a powerful and inspiring conversation on the impact of theatre on social change.

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