She sat perched delicately at the bar counter on a high stool. Her drape dress was lifelessly hanging like a...
Read moreADD THIRD GENDER even in The Office Loos!
Transgenders will be given a 1% reservation for government services in Karnataka. This is a great move in inclusiveness. I...
Read moreWho Cares?
"Who cares?", said very few women. We are trained since puberty to care. Our self-esteem is based on how we...
Read more“का” की मोहब्बत – A Poem by “kyakarogeyjaankar”
कुछ प्रेम कहानियां बहुत ही अलग होती हैं। जैसे की हमने हीर और रांझा , रोमियो और जूलिएट आदि के किस्से ज़रूर...
Read moreThe Lost Rainbow On The Horizon
It was the rain-drenched hills ahead that soaked my soul in the quest of me. The mountains were not visible...
Read moreIndira Gandhi Collection
Women world over struggle to wear the lipstick and not let the mascara run. The recognition of women being multitasking...
Read moreFrom The Broken Mirror Of Hope
What is your identity? What is your eyesight, is it male or female? What is your heart? Do you refer...
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