The Literature Lounge, hosted by Mohua Chinappa is a popular podcast series dedicated to the world of books and the brilliant minds behind them. Through exclusive conversations, we uncover how authors craft captivating stories, thought-provoking essays, insightful biographies, provocative prose and poetry that spark possibilities within us. From dreaming big to breaking conventions, each episode explores books that ignite fresh ideas – one page at a time.
After a successful season of sharing inspiring stories, The Literature Lounge is now an independent podcast under The Mohua Show (TMS) banner. We have featured popular authors such as Gargi Rawat, Radhika Oberoi, Kiran Manral, Swami Mukundananda, Sharmishtha Mukherjee, Aseem Chhabra and many more on our show.
So, let’s dive into the world of books.